Our daycare is recognized for offering a high quality program that integrates research into the developmental stages of children and promotes the cognitive development of each child. A great process process and structural attributes are implemented to provide to children an exceptional quality service in a warm and caring, child-centered atmosphere. An open and fluid communication system facilitates the involvement and inclusion of parents in the daily lives of children.

The Daycare

The daycare is distinguished by an advantageous ratio of children per educator, as well as by the teaching of subjects offered by specialists in their field such as art, ballet, music, physical education, the learning of a second and third language of your choice (Spanish, Italian or Mandarin), computer lessons, etc. Educational outings are organized regularly as well as swimming, skating and alpine skiing lessons. As soon as the daycare opened, we introduced the principle of kindergarten to 4 years old, which has now become a model of education in Quebec.


You wish to register your child in our private school